What If You Could Have The Best Year of Your Direct Sales Career After One Quick Two Hour Training?

Well, it's possible. And here's why...

Just Announced: Enroll In January Jumpstart 2023 and get invited to a small group Q&A session with Michelle on January 4th or 13th! ($497 Value)

January Jumpstart Kicks Off On
Thursday, January 18th at Noon EST


January Jumpstart Kicks Off On 
Thursday, January 18th at Noon EST


Grab Your Spot For January Jumpstart 2024 & Get Access To The Holiday Cash Bash Course For Free!

I’ve been a busy little bee working on a brand new training for you to close out this year with a BANG…

And, I wasn’t sure what to call this little gem…

I thought about calling it Cash for Christmas, but it’s MORE than just Cash for Christmas.

It’s cash for December and cash for January…and beyond.

Plus, NOT everyone celebrates Christmas, so I wanted to use the word holiday.

I also thought about calling it December to Remember, but I think that a car company already owns that.

So, I landed on Holiday Cash Bash. That’s the FINAL name.

So, in this training, I’ll show you how to make a TON of CASH with your business. 

And you can throw a big bash with the cash or tuck it away for something ultra important, like a new investment.

I’ve got a story for you…

Every single December, when I was a direct seller hustling my products all over town and online, I ABSOLUTELY crushed my sales. 

And I crushed my sales in a very unique way…

Between December 26th and January 1st was my BIGGEST selling week ever.

Yes, those days when everyone else was resting, I was WINNING BIG.

So, I have a solid strategy and scripting that is going to show you EXACTLY how to do it.

And when you grab your spot for January Jumpstart 2024, you'll get access to this bonus course for free!

$97 Value - Yours Free!

You see, every single year, I see the same thing happen to reps and consultants. 

They have a renewed sense of excitement and they are ready to make this YEAR the YEAR that everything changes!

In the first few months of the year, people send me messages that sound like this:

“This is THE YEAR! My LIFE will be totally different! I am so ready to book like crazy and crush this year!”

“Everything will change this year for my family and me! I’m a selling machine! I’m on FIRE!”

“No excuses. I am ALL in! I’m going to the top and this is my break-out year. Watch out world. Hear me ROAR!”

And, of course, it’s all with good intentions. We all WANT to make those things happen. And the excitement is real. You can feel it and you believe it.

But then it slowly starts to fizzle. February rolls around and it gets a little less exciting and a bit quieter. And then March, a bit quieter.

And I understand what’s happening….

Here's The Deal:

I struggled for six years with those same thoughts, excitement, and motivation in the beginning of the year but for six years, I got NOWHERE

I had about 5 new clients in 6 years. One was super loyal. The others disappeared over time.

Can you relate to that?

You see, I would get really excited in the first few months of the year and do a bit and then, I’d get a little rejection or adversity and I’d get too discouraged to restart.

I did this for six years.

And then finally in the sixth year, I was FED UP ENOUGH with my lack of results and the life I was living and decided to make a change.

Want to know what changed??

Someone finally gave me a plan to follow.

The ONE THING that holds you back from success is this:

You need a solid plan that you can stick to and implement daily.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Couldn’t be more true.

You may have lofty goals huge dreams. I know that because you’re reading this.

And if you’re looking for something different this year, THIS IS IT.

Enter and incredible online training event called January Jumpstart 2024 with Michelle Cunningham. 

Just Announced: Enroll In January Jumpstart 2023 and get invited to a small group Q&A session with Michelle on January 4th or 13th! ($497 Value)

What will you be learning in this jam-packed two hour training?

As a home-party rep successfully for over 11 years, I know how to sell and recruit people in person. I did it probably over ten thousand times. Seriously. And, I also learned how to do this all online also. So, I was able to catapult my results.

And, I figured out I could get massive results with the right scripts.  Those scripts helped me to generate leads, book new clients, sell more to those clients, keep them as loyal clients and ultimately recruit them to my team.

I also learned first-hand a lot about the way people think and what makes a person take action on an offer.  I love this stuff.  I study it and I love sharing what works because it cuts down your learning curve substanially.

  Over the years, I learned how to perfect my texts to get people to book an appointment with me.

  Then I learned how to pick up the phone and talk conversationally to actually book new clients for appointments.

  I also learned how to make sure they actually attended the appointment.  

  I also perfected my presentation so people put down their walls and "actually" liked me, had fun and wanted to buy products.  

  I also learned exactly how to get new reps to join my team by sharing key phrases that helped them make an educated decision.

  And, I also learned exactly what to do to create raving clients and loyal reps on my team.

And, I always taught my team these strategies which is why we were a top team in the nation. We used scripts, emails, texts and strategies that worked.

And, now, I'm giving you ALL those strategies in a concise 2-hour training with a 75-page printable workbook with every single script and strategy I share.

To make it convenient for you, we have set up identical live broadcasts at a variety of different times. 

Keep in mind, all the options are the same identical training so pick the day and time that works best for you.

Option 1: Thursday, January 18th at Noon EST

Option 2: (Identical to Option 1) Saturday, January 20th at Noon EST

If you can't watch live, you can catch the replay inside the group for 48 hours. And, we do recommend the lifetime access upgrade if you would prefer to be able to reference the training over and over.

Adding lifetime access gives you a membership area so you can easily access it at anytime.

What makes this training different?

Because I have been an in person rep and an online rep, I will be teaching both strategies.

I recognized we are in a new world where some people can go out and do home parties and other may not be able to. So, I'll be showing you both ways. You'll learn how to succeed in person or virtually. And being well-versed in both strategies matters more than ever today.

In addition, instead of this being another training that ends up in your training graveyard of videos you haven't had a chance to watch, I decided to make this just two hours and jam-pack it with all the helpful tips you can use right away, so you can have your best year ever.   

It's a training that is super fast, easy and duplicatable and you don't have to travel and waste time.

So, what's the next step?

Click the green button right here. 

On the next page you'll be able to pay and sign up for the January Jumpstart 2024 training.

After that you'll be invited to join the private community!

You can catch the final training LIVE: Saturday, February 5th at 1pm to 3pm EST

And Michelle will be available live in the chat during the training to answer any and all questions that come through.  This format allows for the training to be concise while your questions are answered in real time.

What Are You Waiting For?

The only thing standing between you and the success you deserve is a beautiful brand.

So now it’s up to you.

You can, of course, continue down the agonizingly slow road of pitching uninterested people, facing lots of frustrating rejection, and taking years to discover the key to building a business that gives you freedom.

Michelle Cunningham is a 17-year veteran of the network marketing industry and built a massive downline that produced 8-figure in team sales.

As an introvert from humble beginnings, her mission is to show anyone how to succeed no matter what your story looks.

She is the best selling author of Do It Anyway, Girl on Amazon and is passionate about paying it forward.

Michelle has hosted a powerful January Jumpstart every single year since joining the ranks of the top 1% within her direct sales organization and now that she is a full-time trainer for the industry, she brings this amazing program to you virtually.

This January Jumpstart event has always been one of the most highly sought after events many times with standing room only in sold out rooms. 

In the past, when Michelle hosted the event at a hotel room, Michelle's office would field hundreds of requests to make the event a live broadcast so people all over the world can participate!

So, the event is virtual and easily accessible for anyone!

During this event, you can expect to learn...

✨ One simple thing you need to change to get a new result in your personal business!

✨ If you don't like the phone or walking up to strangers, we'll show you how you can eliminate those and still build a successful business.

✨ Need more recruits? We have a magic plan that will work wonders for you.

✨ And, you'll see how Michelle opens and closes parties that lead to new referrals, parties booked and new recruits and sales.

Here’s A Recap Of EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Join January Jumpstart Today!

  2 Solid Hours of Interactive Training with Michelle Cunningham

  Lesson 1: Failing Forward

  Lesson 2: Local & In-Person Lead Generating

  Lesson 3: Online Lead Generating

  Lesson 4: Booking 101

  Lesson 5: How To Hold A Successful Party

  Lesson 6: One Thing To Change For New Results

  Lesson 7: Magic Plan For Exponential Growth & Recruiting Reps

  Lesson 8: Follow-Up Systems

  Access to the Private “January Jumpstart 2024” Community

  Free Gift #1: Giveaways During The Broadcast

  Free Gift #2: Printable 75-Page Workbook With Scripts, Emails, Canva Templates & More (Mind-Blowing Content!)

  Free Gift #3: Holiday Cash Bash Course To Put Some Extra Spending Moolah In Your Pocket

Total Value: $1,035

Normal Price: $97

Secure Your Spot For Only: $27

Even though this is the first ever Beautifully Branded Bootcamp...

Here's What Students Said About Past January Jumpstart Training

Not convinced?

Here’s What Customers Had To Say About My Other Training...

Got Questions?

 When will the training be held?

To make it convenient for you, we have set up identical live broadcasts at a variety of different times. 

Keep in mind, all the options are the same identical training so pick the day and time that works best for you.

Option 1: Thursday, January 18th at Noon EST

Option 2: (Identical to Option 1) Saturday, January 20th at Noon EST

If you can't watch live, you can catch the replay inside the group for 48 hours. And, we do recommend the lifetime access upgrade if you would prefer to be able to reference the training over and over.  

Adding lifetime access gives you a membership area so you can easily access it at anytime.

 But I'm new and not sure if this is what I need?

Perfect. You’re perfect for this course.  It's everything I learned when I was new to finally get into action.  It's a solid game plan for anyone brand new or looking for a solid system to follow.

 But I've been in the profession forever and not sure if this will be different than other trainings I've taken?

There will be some back to basics type training in here that you may have heard before, but there will be tons of scripts and emails and graphics from Canva that you may not have.  And the best part is that there is also brand new training in here. 

Every month, I scour the internet to find genius online influencers who are crushing it on social media.  And I connect with them and learn from them. And, last month I uncovered a TON of simple strategies you can use on social media to bring in sales on autopilot. 

So, you'll be learning the latest and greatest strategies you can use and apply today. Plus, today I am an internet marketer that's generated millions in the past few years using social media, so I know a thing or two about automated sales and I love sharing strategies with you.

 Do you have a money back guarantee?

Absolutely. One of my beliefs as a course creator is that if you don’t get amazing results from taking one of my courses you can ask for a refund within the first 90 days. 

You can reach my team anytime at support@michellecunninghamonline.com.  I love people and I love helping people, so if this doesn't help you or you don't feel it was worth the investment, you can absolutely have your money back.

Just Announced: Enroll In January Jumpstart 2023 and get invited to a small group Q&A session with Michelle on January 4th or 13th! ($497 Value)

Here’s A Recap Of EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Join January Jumpstart Today!

  2 Solid Hours of Interactive Training with Michelle Cunningham

  Lesson 1: Failing Forward

  Lesson 2: Local & In-Person Lead Generating

  Lesson 3: Online Lead Generating

  Lesson 4: Booking 101

  Lesson 5: How To Hold A Successful Party

  Lesson 6: One Thing To Change For New Results

  Lesson 7: Magic Plan For Exponential Growth & Recruiting Reps

  Lesson 8: Follow-Up Systems

  Access to the Private “January Jumpstart 2024” Community

  Free Gift #1: Giveaways During The Broadcast

  Free Gift #2: Printable 75-Page Workbook With Scripts, Emails, Canva Templates & More (Mind-Blowing Content!)

  Free Gift #3: Holiday Cash Bash Course To Put Some Extra Spending Moolah In Your Pocket

Total Value: $1,035

Normal Price: $97

Secure Your Spot For Only: $27

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